In the journal Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) issued by the T. M. Asser Institute (Centre for International & European Law) has been in the No 4/2020 published the article by professor Alexander J. Bělohlávek „Determining the law governing obligations in arbitration and the applicability of the Rome I Regulation“

Factors specific to arbitration, and particularly the fact that the place (seat) of arbitration is often chosen as a neutral venue with no links to the domicile of the parties or to the subject of the dispute, also influence the procedures followed to determine the substantive law governing obligations. Even so, it is essential to employ a method for determining this law that is transparent, that excludes arbitrariness on the part of arbitrators, and that allows the parties to rely on a certain degree of predictability. Considering the growing importance of the seat of arbitration, which has seen the relevance of the theory of the anationality of arbitration decline, it is always necessary to assess the importance of the lex fori arbitri in determining the applicable substantive law. Unless the application of EU legislation, and hence also the Rome I Regulation, on the law applicable to obligations stems, as a matter of necessity, from the mandatory lex fori arbitri (which tends to be the exception), the application of the Rome I Regulation must always be kept to a minimum. There is therefore no reason why the Rome I Regulation cannot also be used in arbitral proceedings to determine the applicable law. Arguments such as the fact that this is a regulation applicable exclusively to civil litigation must be rejected.
