On 7th and 8th March 2024 a major international Conference on arbitration, dispute settlement and promotion and protection of foreign investments in the Czech Republic and in Turkey combined with a Business Forum of Companies and Investors from both the countries (from the Czech Republic and from Turkey) will take place in Istanbul / Turkey. Our law firm is actively involved and it takes part in organization of the event.

On 7th and 8th March 2024 a major international Conference on arbitration, dispute settlement and promotion and protection of foreign investments in the Czech Republic and in Turkey combined with a Business Forum of Companies and Investors from both the countries (from the Czech Republic and from Turkey) will take place in Istanbul / Turkey. Our law firm is actively involved and it takes part in organization of the event.

Detailed information may be found in the enclosed „save-the-date“ flyer (in English and Czech) and in the enclosed description of the event containing also business sectors, which the event will focus on (the description is enclosed in Englisch, German and Czech).

The event will be organized by PRIAC – The International Arbitration Court at the Czech-Moravian Commodity Exchange – togehter with ITOTAM – The Mediation and Arbitration Centre at the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, under a significant support of the Czech trade mission in Turkey, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Istanbul and the Turkish Embassy in Prague.




