The new Eleventh Edition of the CYIL – The Czech Yearbook of International Law® has just been released. The 2020 edition is devoted to “Human Rights, Humanity and Sustainable Development from the International Law Perspective”. As in the past five years, the publisher of the Eleventh Edition is again the Dutch publishing house Lex Lata B.V. ( The co-editor in-chief of this year’s edition (and of all previous editions) and the mastermind behind the project, together with Prof. Bělohlávek, is Prof. Dr. iur. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic). In this year’s edition, Prof. Bělohlávek has also authored the article entitled: The Determination of International Jurisdiction as an Important Aspect in the Protection of the Right of Access to Justice and the Right to a Fair Trial: Defence Mechanisms against the Decision on International Jurisdiction in EU Insolvency Proceedings [Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Insolvency Proceedings]. All articles in the CYIL 2020 are again traditionally published in English and accompanied by annotations in English, Czech, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Polish.
The XIth Edition of the CYIL – The Czech Yearbook of International Law®, again under the editorial guidance of Prof. Bělohlávek